AliExpress coupon

Using an AliExpress coupon code, you can save even more on the already cheap products. These are available all year round. To see the current discount coupons on AliExpress you can go to the general coupon page. This page is categorized for better overview. If you find a coupon with discount codes you are interested in, click on ‘get now’. The only condition is that you need an account. If you are logged in to your account, the button ‘get now’ will change to ‘use now’. This way you can shop directly with your coupon at AliExpress in 2021.

100 dollar discount coupons on AliExpress

As just mentioned, if you want to use a coupon on AliExpress it is important to create an account first. If you don’t have an account yet, we recommend to create one right away, because this will give you 100 dollar discounts in coupons. Prerequisite for this is that you are a new user. You are a new user if you have never placed an order before. Under the tab ‘My coupons’, you can find your coupons codes on AliExpress.

aliexpress coupon

Other ways besides coupons to save on AliExpress

Besides the AliExpress coupons, there are other ways to save on your purchases. There are daily flash deals, flashy offers on site. These offers usually come in about 6 hours. When the timer expires the deal is over. This page also has the products sorted by category and you can quickly see how much discount you’ll get. Coupon percentages and codes on AliExpress vary from 30 to 70%.

Besides the standard coupons on AliExpress, they often have a sale, where you can get up to 90% discount on various categories. A well-known sale is the flash sale, in which various products are discounted for a longer period of time. This period is usually 24 to 48 hours. You can read more about the different sales in 2021 in this blog.

Get coupon codes for AliExpress via the app

If you are new to AliExpress you can download the mobile app, you will immediately receive a coupon code. You can use this code directly in the shop. The app is very user friendly and has a useful search function. You can easily find what you are looking for. In addition, the app offers a number of advantages:
– Unique deals and coupon codes
– Keeping wish lists
– In English
– Image search > take a picture of something you’re looking for. The app will check if it is on AliExpress and if there is a coupon available. This will save you a lot of searching.
– Mid-Year Sale Coupons

Every year, including 2021, there is a large sale in the middle of the year in which many coupons are available on AliExpress. This way you get up to 50% discount on a wide range of items, such as tools, electronics and clothing. Tip: subscribe to the AliExpress newsletter. This way you will always know when the sales starts.

The current coupons on AliExpress – 2021

Here’s a link to the coupon page of AliExpress where you can find an overview of the current coupon codes. If you have any questions about ordering on AliExpress, please send an email to


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About the author

Lily Chen is a passionate and experienced online shopper with a deep love for exploring the world of Chinese e-commerce. She's been navigating the ins and outs of platforms like AliExpress for over a decade and has honed her skills in finding the best deals, hidden gems, and innovative shopping strategies.